Producer's Portal

Welcome To The Producer's Portal

The Producer's Portal is for our producers and production companies to submit proposals, access production guidelines, upload contracted deliverables, and locate other information that is needed in order to successfully complete and deliver your project.

The Producer's Portal is intended for usage by established television producers and production companies. If you are a Viewer with an issue, or an idea for a program please contact — Fan Relations.

If your Company is already using the Producer's Portal, please cancel this registration and contact your Company Super User. They will be able to set-up your Portal account and grant you access to the Producer's Portal.


Neither Discovery, Inc., Discovery Communications, LLC, nor Scripps Networks, LLC (collectively, "Discovery") nor any of its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates or any of their directors, officers or employees bear any liability to any producers or any other third parties based on the information (or lack of information) provided in this system. In addition, please note that the projects available for posting deliverables may not have an associated fully executed agreement. All obligations of Discovery to producers or any other persons doing business with Discovery are covered solely by definitive executed agreements to which Discovery is a party. Prior to the mutual execution of such agreement, Discovery shall have no financial or other obligations with respect to any deal terms discussed and/or agreed to in principle. For clarification, any costs/expenses or other activities are incurred at your own cost and risk until full execution of the relevant agreement.

By visiting this site, you agree to the terms and conditions of our Visitor Agreement. Please read our Privacy Policy.
Copyright © 2018 Discovery Communications, LLC. The Global Leader in Real Life Entertainment
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